Farming & Food Solutions


As a part of our business we cooperate with our customers both in Poland and abroad. We
have been engaged in the production of cereals, milling, purchase and trading of crops, and
agricultural production means for more than 30 years.


A modern corn mill offering products used in various sectors of the food industry and beyond. By combining
modern Swiss technology with excellent natural conditions for corn cultivation, we ensure the highest quality of


The modern facility and unique production process of FlexFarina enable the production of specialty flours through natural physical processes. These flours are used as functional additives in various branches of the food industry and are included in our blends dedicated to meat and fish technologies.

 SILESIAN is a group consisting of companies in the agricultural, grain processing, trade, and industrial
production sectors, established in 1996.

We cultivate wheat, corn, malting barley, and rapeseed on approximately
3,500 hectares and are one of the leading producers and processors of grains in Poland.

The SILESIAN group includes, among others: storage and drying facilities, the wheat and corn mill SILESIAN GRAIN, a modern plant for production of specialty flours SILESIAN FLOUR and research laboratories.

Our advantage is full control of the process from the field to the finished product thanks to the supply and production chain within the SILESIAN companies.

The grains we cultivate are processed in our mills and undergo unique treatment in the modern flour processing plant SILESIAN FLOUR, which was launched in 2015.

The clients we serve are leading food and trade companies expecting the highest quality and professional


SILESIAN Farming & Food Solutions

Przemysłowa 34

57-220 Ziębice



+48 74 81 62 730
